The university provisions common applications through Software Center, which can be found by using the Windows search bar at the bottom of your screen, or opening the ACES Tech Tools folder on the desktop of all ACES-managed Windows devices. This is software that has been vetted by the university and deemed safe to install.
Software that requires a license is available to Faculty, Staff and Students through the Webstore. You will see two navigation links at the top of the page: Personal Purchase for purchases with a credit card, and Unit Purchases for purchases with a university funding source (CFOP).
For ACES faculty: if there is a piece of software that you expect to use on multiple computers in your lab, we may be able to provision that software to your machines via Software Center. This will make the installation and updating process simpler and quicker for you and your students. Please send request for assistance through our ticketing system for more information.
Software purchased directly from developers
To purchase software that is not available through the Webstore, please follow these instructions for submitting the Software Request Form.
Adobe Acrobat and Creative Cloud
Available by purchasing a free Adobe Creative Cloud license through the Webstore: faculty/staff or students. Must be renewed annually in June or August, respectively.
Installed and managed through Adobe Creative Cloud on faculty and staff devices. Installed and managed through Software Center on lab and student devices.
Microsoft 365 and Teams
Available automatically to current staff, faculty, students and emeritus faculty as an A1 or A5 license. Available to sponsored and affiliate NetID’s upon request to Tech Services. An A5 license is available for those with an A1 license, if needed, and can be purchased as an annual subscription with a CFOP from the Webstore.
Installed automatically on all ACES-managed devices. Available for reinstall through Software Center or by visiting the Microsoft 365 main page.
Mersive Solstice client
None required.
Used to connect to the Mersive Solstice wireless presentation devices installed in nearly all of the classrooms and conference rooms in the primary ACES buildings.
Web browsers
None required.
Firefox and Google Chrome are available on all ACES-managed devices and installed through Software Center. Kept up-to-date in-app or through Software Center. We recommend creating a work-specific account for either browser that can sync and backup your bookmarks and browsing information, as well as installing the uBlock Origin extension for added security in your browser of choice.
All UIUC Staff, Faculty and currently registered undergraduate and graduate students are eligible for a UIUC Zoom education license. All others will be provisioned basic licenses. Login instructions can be found here.
Installed and managed through Software Center.