Frequently Asked Questions

The most current updates related to technology and software can be found at Illinois Technology Services and Answers@ACES. Use the search area at the top of each page to find answers for specific issues. A few frequently asked questions, specific to the Fall 2020 semester, are listed. 

I am concerned about a student who has been absent and/or is no longer submitting assignments. What should I do?

If a student in a class was attending and participating in the class, but has now been absent or stopped submitting courswork, complete the Student Engagement form to report this concern to ACES Office of Academic Programs.  ACES OAP will reach out to the student and assist in the situation. 

Where can I find answers to campus-level questions related to teaching?

The Illinois Remote: Keep Teaching website provides answers to many frequently asked questions

When should I quarantine or isolate myself? What should I do if I test positive for COVID-19?

The University of Illinois offers guidelines for when you should quarantine or isolate, and what actions you should take when testing positive for COVID-19. Illinois Human Resources provides a step-by-step guide and required actions for any employee who tests positive for COVID-19 or been notified by public health about a close contact exposure.  

How do I determine the last date/time my students logged into Compass?

The Performance Dashboard function in Compass provides a list of students enrolled in your course, the most recent date and time they accessed the site, and the number of days that have passed since they accessed Compass.  

What are my exam proctoring options?

Proctorio and ProctorU are available for instructors. Learn more about each resource at Illinois Remote: Keep Teaching.

How do I manage grading for attendance and assessments this semester?

The University has provided recommendations to consider for student absences, and grading and assessments. A new feature has also been added to Banner which indicates verified absences from the Student Assistance Center (SAC) in the Office of the Dean of Students. Throughout this unique semester, it is considered best practice to stay flexible and adaptable with attendance and assessments to ensure students are safe while also learning the course content. 

Am I required to record each class session?

Although not required, it is highly recommended as a best practice to record your class sessions. The primary purpose is to provide an asynchronous option for any student who may not be able to attend class. In face-to-face instruction, it is recommended to provide a synchronous Zoom option for any student who may not be able to attend, in addition to an asynchronous recording. 

What are the basic 'need-to-know' video functions of Zoom and Illinois Media Space?

The full recording (1:21:39 min.) of the ACES IT Zoom and Illinois Media Space training is available on Illinois Media Space. Use the quick links for specific topics to learn how to setup meetings, upload lectures, edit and publish videos, and create channels. 

How can I make my videos from Zoom and Illinois Media Space available in Compass or Moodle?

There are several options you can explore to accomplish this purpose. One option is to create a standalone video archive space in Compass or Moodle for your recorded videos. You may also choose to embed a playlist of your videos from Illinois Media Space into Compass or Moodle, or create a channel (5:14 min.) for your Zoom recordings to appear in Compass. 

How do I add closed captioning to my class recordings?

Zoom recordings (to the cloud) are automatically synced to Kaltura (i.e., Illinois Media Space). Closed captioning is automatically generated by this platform. You can edit the text captions if you choose, and you will need to click the button to add closed captioning to your media space video (2:51 min.). 

How do I create documents that are accessible to all learners? 

These two videos outline best practices for creating accessible documents (7:54 min.) and providing accessibility in online courses (31:24 min.). 

Am I required to cite images? 

Images used in a presentation should be cited appropriately. Learn more about finding and citing an image (7:30 min.) from the video, in addition to the quick reference document

How do I know if students have watched the recordings of the class sessions? 

Kaltura (Illinois Media Space) and Zoom provide functionality to track and view analytics (6:08 min.) of recorded videos. 

What technology should I have to teach in face-to-face or blended instruction scenarios? 

Recommended technology guidance for ACES instructors, along with additional information about software and applications, can be found at ACES Keep Teaching Equipment and Software.